Monday, June 18, 2007

A Great Weekend

Happy belated Fathers Day to all you fathers out there.

What a beautiful weekend. My wife and I took the kids and headed up to my parents lake place for the weekend. 90 and sunny all weekend long; you couldn't have asked for better weather. Sure, it would have been nice if the winds weren't blowing at gale force all day Sunday, but that would just be petty.

I did very good this weekend. I ate well and stayed active. This whole open and honest thing is turning out to be a big help. I have a tendency to way overeat at the lake. I'm sure everyone overeats at the lake. You're relaxed, you're on vacation and snacks are flowing like boxed wine at a Sorority party. This weekend was different.

We spent a lot of time talking about living healthy this weekend... and not just my wife and my parents. My aunt and my uncle were with us on Saturday as well. I am very close with my family, both immediate and extended, but there was an openness this weekend that we have never had. We all talked about our struggles with weight and health and talked about the things we are trying to do to get back on track.

On top of all the talking we also ate better as a whole. Everyone made an effort to provide food that was healthier. All and all it was a very affirming weekend.

On the drive up to the lake Saturday morning, my wife asked me out of the blue, "Would you really eat 5 king size candy bars in one day." This is something I admitted to in my first post. Sadly, the truth is even worse than 5 king sized bars.

Recently I reached a new low in my junk food consumption. I would regularly stop at the gas station in the morning for two doughnuts, which I would eat on the way to work. Then, I would eat MacDonald's for lunch. A 5-piece chicken strip meal, super sized with a large shake. I would often snack on a handful of mini candy bars at work in the afternoon. On my way home from work, I would stop at a gas station again to buy a king size Carmello bar, a giant Ice Cream Sandwich and a pack of Little Debbie Zingers. Unbelievably, I would end the day with a bowl of Ice Cream around 9 or 10.

At a minimum that would add up to 3500 calories all from foods that are rated no higher than a D for nutrition from Calorie And that dosen't include dinner.

Now this was not a typical day for sure, but it was not a rare one either. Hopefully I'll never have a day like it again!

7/18: 272 lbs.

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