Friday, June 13, 2008

The 1 Year Anniversary Weigh-In (Week 52)

216.4! That is what it said on the scale this morning. A loss of 3.6 pounds!

I'd say that is a good way to end a great year.

Once again our big winner is my Dad! Way to go Dad. Good guessing.

A quick recap on the year.

I started this journey on June 10th 2007. On that day I weighed 280. 1 year later I have lost 63.6 pounds.

My heaviest weight ever was 288. From that I have lost 71.6 pounds.

I am only 3.6 pounds above my lowest weight of 213.

In the past year I have started running.
For the first time in my life I can run more than three miles.
I completed a 5k race in under 27 minutes.
I swam a mile.
I have taken up biking.
I have started strength training.
I have developed muscles.
The clothes in my closet have shrunk from XXL to L.
I can waterski again.
My back no longer hurts.
I have stopped snoring.
I have stopped wheezing when I walk up stairs.

And...I have made some amazing friends.

I am really proud of the things I have been able to accomplish this year. Like I have said all along, I could have never done it with out the support and encouragement of my friends and family. You guys have been the support that I needed, the courage I never had and the conscience I have been searching for.

From the bottom of my heart, Thank YOU!

This journey is far from over. I still have a lot of goals I want to accomplish before I rest.
The triathlon is coming up.
I am still trying to get to 208.
I want to take my running to the next level.
I want to work on toning my body.

So please stick around, because really, this is just the beginning.

Here is the treat I promised you yesterday. At least I think it's a treat. Click on the pic to see every weigh-in photo from this year, all in one image.

1 year down, 70 more to go!

06/12: 216.4 lbs
8.4 lbs. to go

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Guess How Much I Weigh Contest - Week 52

This is it! The big one year anniversary edition of the Guess How Much I Weigh Contest.

This has been a good week. Despite eating a little too much in Duluth over the weekend and a few questionable choices during the week, it's looking like I should have a good loss this week. I have been working out like a mad man. I managed to get in a good ride and a good run over the weekend and I am finally starting to stretch my runs past 3.1 miles. On Monday I almost made it 4 miles in 36 minutes.

A year ago, if someone had told me I would be running almost 4 miles by now, I would have wet my pants laughing. It has been an amazing year full of some amazing accomplishments.

No matter what the scale says tomorrow, I will be celebrating a year that I am very, very proud of.

Over the weekend my Brother-in- Law and His Wife gave me a belated birthday present, work out clothes. Which is the same thing my wife gave me for my birthday. As I was putting away laundry this morning I realized that I now have more workout clothes than any other type of clothes in my closet, with the exception of t-shirts. That in itself is a pretty major accomplishment.

I can finally stop wearing the 3XL sleeveless t-shirts that have been the staple of my workout wear.

I am hoping to have a fun little year end wrap up tomorrow.

Step right up, step right up.
Guess how much I weigh and win a fabulous prize.

To Recap:
Every Thursday I give you my stats for the week and you guess what you think the scale will say on Friday morning. The winner is the first person who guesses my weight / weight loss for the week without going over or the person who is closest without going over. Go ahead and click on comments at the bottom of this post and leave your guess.

I will post the winner when I post my weight on Fri. morning. If we get ten or more guesses I will have a prize for the winner.

Stats for the week of June 9th.

Calories Consumed: From Monday morning through Wed. night I have consumed aprox. 16836 calories.

Calories Burned: From Monday morning through Wed. night I have burned aprox. 22698 calories.

37% of my calories were from Fat
13% of those were from Saturated Fat
45% of my calories were from Carbs
16% of my calories were from Protein

Let the guessing begin. Good Luck!

06/12: 220 lbs
12 lbs. to go

p.s. Don't forget you can subscribe to the e-mail edition of Guess How Much I Weigh . Simply enter your e-mail address in the space to the right.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Continuing The Journey

Let's continue our little trip down memory lane.

These pictures start in October of '07 and end with a picture from last weekend.

April 2007 Side By Side with June 2008.

If you ask me, it's been a darn good year.

06/11: 220 lbs
12 lbs. to go

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Welcome To The One Year Anniversary Celebration

Let's start with a little trip down memory lane. These pictures start in April of 2007 and go through September of 2007.

Tomorrow we'll take a look at the end of '07 and the beginning of '08.