Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Running In The Rain

I had every excuse not to get out and walk/run yesterday. I had a 2 hour lunch meeting which knocked out my usual workout time. I was home alone with the girls last night. It was 90 degrees out. It was raining.

I was settled in for the night playing with the girls when I realized, even though those are really good excuses, they are still excuses. So, I loaded the girls into the stroller and ventured out into the rain. The girls love playing in the rain and it was 90, so I wasn't too worried about them catching a cold or being miserable. We ended up having a fun outing and I got my workout in.

I'm not sure if this is dedication or bad parenting. I'm going with dedication.

7/25: 257.2 lbs.
Goal: 220 lbs.
37.2 lbs. to go

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Tony, My guess for weight loss this week is 3.6 lbs. Hope I am low!!
