Monday, August 13, 2007


Dr. D gave me the all clear on Friday. My leg is looking good so I can get back to working out. I went out on Saturday for a slow walk and a short run. It felt good on Saturday but I was feeling it on Sunday. I skipped Sunday and went to the pool instead. Does floating along the lazy river at the local pool count as exercise? Isn't that how they train race horses?

Yes this was the pool that helped start this whole "baring my soul and losing weight" thing. The original site of my flash forward to being a fat embarrassment to my teenage daughters.

I'd like to say it was a triumphant return, but I think triumphant might be a little strong. While I was much less self conscious about hanging at the pool, I was still one of, if not the heaviest guy there.

Here is the difference this time around. I am very proud of what I have accomplished so far so I looked around at all the other people and saw it as just more motivation to keep up the good work.

My wonderful Mother-In-Law was in town this weekend, and she was kind enough to babysit on Saturday night so My Lovely wife and I could have a date night night. The first one in many months. We saw the Movie Stardust. Both My Lovely Wife and I are huge fans of Neil Gamien fans and had read the book the movie is based on a while ago.

The movie does not disappoint. As my lovely wife said on the way home, this could be the Princess Bride of this generation. Personally, I think it is much better than Princess Bride. Except....If you go, leave immediately after the movie is over. Do not stay for the credits!!!!

The song they play over the end credits is the worst love theme form any movie since the power trio of Bryan Adams, Rod Stewart and Sting took cheesy movie love songs to new heights with All For Love

It is so disassociated from the tone of the movie that you will think they accidentally spliced the wrong ending on. Honestly it could potentially ruin the movie for you. So get out of your seat, cover your ears and flee as fast as you can as soon as the end credits start to roll.

8/13: 245.4 lbs.
Goal: 220 lbs.
25.4 lbs. to go

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi great blog

have you tried the ROUELLE cooker!!!!!!!!!!

it cooks withot oil or water...... amazing weight loss guaranteed!
