Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Standoff - Hour 58

Sticking to my guns so far. And I have new inspiration to succeed this week. Watching the Biggest Loser last night I was reminded once again how glad I am to no longer have man boobs!

I had an apple before heading to the Chiropractors yesterday which saved me from doing something stupid at the gas station.

The chiropractor says I am free to exercise as I feel comfortable. My back is still hurting, so I think I will stick with the bike for today and tomorrow. I see the doc again on Friday. I plan to rest over the weekend and get back on the treadmill on Monday. The 5K is less than 2 months away.

Had a small lunch when I got back to the office. Turkey Sandwich and All Natural Cheeto's Puffs. Two sticks of cinnamint Gum in the afternoon and a heaping helping of my mother-in-laws hot dish and a salad for dinner.

Total Calories For Yesterday: 1857
Total Calories Burned: 3483
Net Calories: -1,626

I stayed home with the girls for an extra hour this morning so instead of my usual bowl of cereal, I had an English muffin with peanut butter, a Fiber One Bar and a glass of Orange Juice. A slightly bigger breakfast than normal, but it kept me from doughnuts and muffins on the drive in.

1 comment:

ElleTeeJay said...

You're doing a great job, baby! I'm very proud. I can really see your determination coming back strong.