Tuesday, July 22, 2008

So What's Next? Part 1

So, what's next for me?

It's a question I have been asking myself a lot this past week.

I have some thoughts on what else I want to accomplish physically, but I'll talk about that tomorrow.

What is on my mind right now is getting my weight loss journey back on track. As happy as I am with my current weight, it was never my intention that this would be my final weight.

I have basically been in a maintenance mode since January. While I did hit a new low in April, I quickly bounced back up and have pretty much been floating between 218 and 216 ever since. A lot of this has to do with my training for the 5k and then the Triathlon. Since those things were more exciting and more immediate my focus just natural went towards working out.

Looking at the pictures from the triathlon just reinforced my desire to continue on my weight loss journey. I am really, really proud of what I have done so far, but there is nothing like standing side by side shirtless with a bunch of world class athlete's to remind you how far you have to go.

I say that jokingly, but in all honesty my health journey has always been two fold. First and most importantly I wanted to get in shape, I have done that. But secondly I have always wanted to work on toning my body. I'm not looking for a six pack, but a 3 pack wouldn't be so bad. The fact is, no matter how hard I work in the gym, if I still have 30 pounds of excess fat on my middle those muscles are not going to show through.

So, I think it is finally time to make a real effort to get to my next weight loss goal of 208.

Towards that end I plan to get back to tracking calories and sticking with it this time. I'll also be taking a hard look at what and how much I am eating now and I am going to do my best to get better at watching what I eat all week not just Monday - Friday.

Laura and I have also made a pact to start holding each other accountable again, which will make a huge difference in us being succesful.

I am at a very different stage of weight loss now, and I have yet to take the time to figure out how this new body of mine is going to work. I guess now is that time.

Like I have said all along, this journey is far from over.


1 comment:

Andrew is getting fit said...

Losing those extra pounds also has the added side effect of making you faster!