Thursday, January 31, 2008

Standoff Week 2 - Hour 84

I am starting to get a little worried about tomorrows weigh-in. With the exception of Tuesday night I have been holding strong to this standoff and I thought I was winning the battle, but the scale seems to have a different opinion. Not all hope is lost . Knowing the way my body works I could still post a good size loss tomorrow. I just thought I would be a little farther along today.

I did eat late last night. I made a pie for my dad. His prize from last week. It was a new recipe from weight watchers so I figured I should try it out. Unfortunately I had to wait until 11pm for the pie to be ready to eat. Double unfortunately, the pie was awful. Actually awful is to light a word. It was horrendus. This was an affront to all pie kind.

Sorry Dad. You'll have to wait a little longer for your pie until I can find a better recipe. These two pies are heading for the trash can and they can't get there soon enough.

There is some good news though.

I finished another 5K run yesterday!!! After Monday's run I was convinced it was going to be a week before I could work back up to the 5K. Guess I just needed a little faith. It felt good to be back in stride. Pun intended.

Here's the stats:
Total Calories For Yesterday: 1924
Total Calories Burned: 4032
Net Calories: -2108

1/31: 217.4lbs
3.4 pounds to go.


Anonymous said...

I say a loss of 1.2 lbs this week.
Good job with the running. The race is coming up soon.
Love Mom

ElleTeeJay said...

I'm going with a loss of 0.8.

We'll look for a new recipe this weekend. Maybe we can make your dad some more of those tasty Weight Watchers cookies I made last weekend.