Friday, October 26, 2007

The Weigh-In Week 20

225.6. That's what it said on the scale this morning. A gain of .2 lbs. Streak number 2 is broken!

If my life were a movie, my tragic breakdown and confession on Monday would have been followed by a three day montage of extreme workouts, raw eggs and motivational pep talks from an old Chinese guy.

Sadly my name is not Daniel or Rudy or Rocky and this is not 1985.

My heart rending confession was followed by two days of hard workouts and well planed meals and one day of a big lunch, a beer, some cheese and crackers and a sandwich from the deli down the street. I blame the beer and the cheese for that .2 lbs. gain!

So lets focus on something positive.

This morning as I was pulling on my size 36 jeans and cinching up my brand new belt to the last notch, just before I slipped on my Large t-shirt, I noticed two things:

1. What were once massive man boobs along the lines of double D's have now become actual pecs. I think I can now stop referring to my chest as "my boobies."

2. I am starting to see some muscle definition on my arms. Not much, but the muscle is beginning to overtake the flab. In fact there is almost no more waddle hanging off the bottom of my arms. So those of you who had taken to calling me Turkey Arms, can kindly stop your taunts.

I don't know about you but I am looking forward to a nice big loss next week.

Have a great weekend everybody!

10/26: 225.6 lbs.
Goal: 220 lbs.
5.6 lbs. to go

p.s. No winner this week. When I gain, we all lose. Sorry.


Em said...

"When I gain, we all lose"! LOL!

And I am glad that you can stop calling your man boobs, your boobies.

PS This is just too much! I am crying because I am laughing so hard at this post!

Anonymous said...

Hi Hon,
You had a hard week, but you will do great next week. I'm proud of you.
Love Mom

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say that I thought your post on Tuesday was exceptionally brave. I can't wait until you've reached your goal... what a thing to celebrate.