Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Going To Bed Hungry

So getting back on track is proving harder than I expected. I am hungry. Last night i had a very sensible dinner,chicken, salad and stake fries , and I went to bed hungry for the first time in 2 months.

And now the guy in the next office over just walked in with a greasy Egg McMuffin like sandwich. I don't even like Egg McMuffin sandwiches and it's still making my stomach beg like a little puppy at that dinner table.

It's like I am going through detox. Not that I know what detox is like. My body got a taste of all the things I used to crave, Ice Cream, pizza, grease, and it wants more. Hopefully things will settle down as my body gets used to eating fewer calories again. In the meantime I guess I need to fall back on some old tricks. Some fruit for a mid morning snack, chewing gum and drinking lots of water.

I did do my strength training for the first time in a week last night. It hurt but I felt good once I was done.

I stayed home with the girls yesterday and got about half my walk in. Today, I forgot to bring my running clothes to work and was thinking about not going out for my walk. But I can't afford to take another day off. So I am going to head out on my lunch break in my jeans and t-shirt. It might be rainy and muggy and I will spend the rest of the day a social outcast in yucky, sweaty jeans, but it is a sacrifice that I must make. Both for my health and my mental dedication.

8/20: 242.4 lbs.
Goal: 220 lbs.
22.4 lbs. to go

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