Monday, July 9, 2007

My Scale Is A Big Fat Jerk

I think our scale is possessed! At the least, it has a really bad sense of humor. We have one of these fancy digital scales that records weight losses and gains for up to four people. I am Person Two on this fancy scale. I assume my lovely wife is Person One, although I have never asked her. Hmmm. I hope someone isn't sneaking in to use our scale in the middle of the night, like some Brothers Grimm weight loss elf.

Anyway, for the the last three weeks our scale has been messing with my head. After pressing the person two button, I step on the scale and rejoice at the massive weight loss. Then I think to myself, "There is no way I lost 7 pounds again this week." So, I step off the scale, rezero it and step back on only to be smacked in the eyeballs with disappointment as the real weight is revealed. I can almost hear those little circuits laughing.

Last week the scale said 257 when I first stepped on. For a brief moment tears of joy started to well in my eyes... and then I remembered, stepped off the scale, took a deep breath and tried again.

The biggest problem with this whole scenario is it makes my very respectable losses of two and three pounds initially disappointing because I have been tricked into the false hope that I am some sort of super loser.

Curse you, you mean old scale.

Man I hope my scale doesn't read this. It might get ticked off and really start messing with me. And, if you are that Weight Loss Elf who has been using person one on my scale, you better keep your trap shut...or else!

7/10: 262.2 lbs.
Goal: 220 lbs.
42.2 lbs. to go

1 comment:

Em said...

Bugger of a scale, eh?? Sounds like it.

Didn't see Transformers yet, but we are going. Maybe tonight?

Thanks for the comment. I needed to hear that from someone who 'gets it.'