Monday, March 9, 2009

Little Ski Bunnies

Ever since we first found out Laura was pregnant, one of my fatherhood dreams has been getting my kids out on the slopes...and having them fall in love with skiing.

I am proud to say that both things happened yesterday.

We hit the slopes a little after ten and didn't leave the ski hill until 2 (with a long, long break for lunch) and the girls were begging to keep going when we told them it was time to leave. We had so much fun. This is one of my all time favorite father moments so far.

And this may just be a proud daddy talking but I think my girls are naturals.

I know there is not much winter left but I'm really, tempted to take an afternoon off and hit the slopes one more time before the snow melts.

Here's some video. The order is Ellie, Maggie, Ellie, Ellie and then Maggie bombing the hill.

The snowboarder that Ellie and I run into in the first clip was very nice and understanding.

Hope you all had as much fun as we did this weekend.


1 comment:

Ron said...

Cool video, Glad you all enjoyed your day!