Friday, January 18, 2008

The Weigh-In Week 32

219. That's what it said on the scale this morning. A gain of .2 lbs.

Not too bad considering all the reasons my lovely wife listed below.

Sadly I think next week is going to be a real test. I am having some back trouble this week. I spent an hour at the chiropractor this morning and it looks like this pain may not have a quick fix like I was hoping. Which means I may be sidelined from the gym next week.

I'll know more tomorrow... but right now I am a little worried. My momentum has all been the wrong way since the New Year and a week without the workouts has derailment written all over it.

I am going to have to work extra hard to be strong for the next few weeks.

For now let's focus on what really matters.

Is my wife hot or what?!!!!!!

I am so proud of how good you look sweetie and so proud of your determination. Getting up every morning to go to the gym at 5am is not something I could do and it amazes me every time you do it.

I never said this to you but it was really fun to see you feeling sassy on Saturday. It made me so happy to be out with you feeling so comfortable and happy. I don't want you to ever lose that again.

1/18: 219.2lbs
5.2 pounds to go.


ElleTeeJay said...

Thanks for the compliments, sweetie. I don't want to lose that feeling again, either.

By the way, you were pretty sassy yourself that night...confident, proud of yourself, and happy to be out in the world. Keep it up.

We'll both "focus in" this week and come back strong next Friday. Go team!

Anonymous said...

Tony, I can't begin to tell you how inspirational it has been watching you over the months with your weight loss.

Hopefully you will keep on track next week and will have a loss.