Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Those Unsightly Stretch Marks

Here's a riddle for you:

Q: What gets wetter as it drys?
A: A Towel

Here's another one:

Q: What gets bigger as it shrinks?
A: The stretch marks on my tummy

Ok, that second one doesn't make sense... but you get the idea.

While everything else on me is getting smaller there is this one little thing that is starting to be not so little. Stretch marks are one of the few negative side effects of this whole extreme weight loss journey.

I am fortunate that the stretch marks on my stomach and sides are not very prominent...yet. Hopefully they never will be, but they are staring to make their presence known. Looking in the mirror the other day I started wondering what I could do to get rid of these "flesh streaks"... short of cosmetic surgery.

So I turned to an expert, our old friend, world renowned plastic surgeon and wound care specialist, Dr. D.

Actually I turned to his daughter, Little D and begged her to ask her dad because I was too embarrassed to do it myself.

Her is Dr. D's expert advice.

Sadly there is no easy, quick fix for magically making stretch marks disappear, but we all knew that. By now I think we are all far enough along to know that magic cures don't really exist, right?

The only effective topical treatment for reducing the prominence of stretch marks is to use Pure Vitamin E Cream. It can help reduce the deep ridges.

Cocoa Butter is a myth. It doesn't help, nor do any other creams or lotions.

Here is the part we are all dreading! The hard work.

The best way to reduce the appearance of stretch marks is to tone your tummy by doing abdominal and lower abdominal work outs, where stretch marks are most
common. Once the skin become tight the appearance of stretch marks is less notable.

The good news is this "workout treatment" is right in line with my goals for a flatter, toner tummy, so it's pretty much what I am already doing. I'm sure the fact that I have been working out for the last few months has already helped a lot with my stretch marks. Guess I just need to keep at it. Thankfully, I've got 7 months before swimsuit season rolls around again.

This post has been brought to you by Estrogen. "Estrogen! Making me write girly things, since 25 minutes ago."

10/16: 227.2 lbs.
Goal: 220 lbs.
7.2 lbs. to go


Em said...

Ahh, yes. Stretch marks.

My Dad is a dermatologist and his advice goes right along with Dr. D's. There is no cure for them. They will always be there.

I have a love hate relationship with them. Sometimes they come because I lose (YAY!) and other times they come because I gain (BOO!).

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