Friday, January 30, 2009

The Weigh-In Week 82

229.6. That's what it said on the scale this morning. A loss of .4 pounds.

Thank you for all the encouragement. The good news is my spirits are still high...sadly so is my weight.

So here's the deal. This has to stop now! Time for a new challenge. It's a five week challenge this time.

Here are the rules.

1. I desperately need new jeans. I can not buy new jeans until I hit 220. (That's not really a rule, more of a statement.)

2. If I have a gain in any one of these 5 weeks, no TV for the entire week. Sadly this seems to be the best motivator I have found so far.

3. If I lose less then a pound in a week Laura gets to make me eat a food that I claim to hate. This is a big one since I am deathly afraid of most vegetables, fruits, seafood and non meat and potatoes dishes in general.

As of today I am back to logging food. I hate logging food, but I need something, anything to keep me on track.

This weeks winner was my Dad with a guess of .4.

Have a great weekend everybody.

1/30 229.6 lbs
Lots to go


Anonymous said...

You can do it!!!

ElleTeeJay said...

Broccoli? Salmon? Chili with the beans still in it? The gears are turning, honey...the gears are turning!

We can do's time for a little reciprocal motivation. I'll scratch your back and...well, you get the gist. :)

Love you!

Ron said...

Congrats on the loss Tony, Sounds like your plans are made for the next 5 weeks!