Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Mega Brick

Now I am starting to gain a little confidence that I will actually be able to finish this race.

I just got back from doing my brick and today I manged to ride 9 miles then get off the bike and run a full 5k. That's right I ran 3.1 miles after biking for 9 miles.

My legs hurt now.

Honestly I wasn't trying to run that far, but I didn't know exactly where the 2.5 mile mark was and by the time I figured I had to have done 2.5 miles I was feeling so good I just decided to keep on going.

I didn't set any speed records, (36 minutes on the bike and 30 minutes on the run) but I am jumping for joy that I managed to complete the whole thing for the second time.

Or I would be jumping for joy if my legs hadn't turned to jelly shortly after I got out of the shower.

Only 11 more days to go!

07/09 217 lbs
9 lbs. to go


Andrew is getting fit said...

Lie down for joy!

Tony said...

Andrew, I like the way you think.

I hope your recovery is coming along nicely.