Friday, May 30, 2008

THe Weigh-In Week 50

215! That is what the scale said this morning! A loss of ....

Hey Deja vu! No loss. No gain. I weigh exactly the same as last Friday. It's a birthday miracle.

My lovely wife cooked up the most amazing steak dinner last night. That huge steak alone should have put me a pound up for the week. But oh man was it yummmmmmmmy!

This weeks winner is my Dad. Nice job Dad. Not too optimistic. Not too pessimistic. You managed to zero right in on the correct weight.

That makes three weeks without a gain. There may be something to this whole calorie counting thing!

Have a great weekend everybody.

05/30: 215 lbs
7 lbs. to go


Andrew is getting fit said...

Good stuff!

Anonymous said...

Hi Tony and Laura!

Wow - move our of state and look what people do behind your back! I am all admiration -
