Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Mad As Hell And I'm Not Going To Take It Any More

At this point I am just plain pissed off at myself. I have managed to compound bad eating decision on top of bad eating decision this week and it is showing up on the scale in a big way. This was supposed to be a week about getting back on track, instead it has become a total derailment.

The sad part is, none of my bad food decisions were actually that bad... but when you start adding them all up , well you know the story.

We had pizza on Monday night. No big deal. But pizza on Monday night should have been a sign to be extra good on Tues. Nope. Tues. I had leftover Blueberry French Toast with Cream Cheese and Carmel. Which I also had on Saturday. Again not bad decisions on their own but the compound interest is killing me.

I want to say that all these extra calories snuck up on me, but that would be a lie. I was weak.

Here is the deal. There is a lot of crappy stuff going on right now. No one needs to hear me whine about being unable to get my eating under control. So instead of whining lets do something constructive.

Starting tomorrow I am going back to hard core calorie counting. It is something Laura suggested a few weeks ago and I am finally at the end of my rope enough to be ready to resort to desperate measures.

Did I mention I hate counting calories.

But I am taking the calorie counting one step further. I will post daily calorie reports and / or link to my calorie counting site. This scares me. This will be the most open I have been with you guys since this whole journey started, but I think it's what I need.

So seven days a week I will be updating what I am eating...minus the days that I am out of Internet range. i.e. Cabin days. I will continue to track my food on those days and post when I am back within reach of mother web.

I will count calories until I can maintain a consistent new low. Lets say three weeks of my weight being at or below 213. Once I can reach that goal, I will allow myself to stop counting calories again.

It's time to get serious. Grrrrrr!

05/07: 215.4 lbs
7.4 lbs. to go


Diana Swallow said...

I hate calorie counting too but it keeps me on track and honest. is the easiest site to use that I've found.

Andrew is getting fit said...

Good luck Tony. You've come a long way so you know what needs to be done.

Anonymous said...

OK - Enough with the excuses. I can see that you are in need of a personal trainer. I will be up next week to whip you into shape. I also would like to collect Ali's prize from last March. I'm staying thru Memorial Day so be prepared to cut out the junk food. Everybody knows how much I hate junk food.