Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Allow Me To Whine

Some how this week is turning into a bad least on the healthy lifestyle front.

My back is hurting, I am gaining weight and I feeling really rundown. Either I am suffering from sympathy pregnancy or sympathy PMS. Which is odd, seeing as how my lovely wife is currently suffering from neither of those maladies.

This was supposed to be a stand off week, but by the time I remembered that, the week was all ready out of control. Honestly, I don't feel like I have been that bad this week, but stepping on the scale this morning it looks like I am in for a gain this week.

I am starting to find the yo-yoing of the last few months frustrating. And since I have only myself to blame, it is time to do something.

I will do my best to salvage this week, but I think it is most likely a lost cause. So, here is the plan. I am going to lose at least 1 pound a week for the next 3 weeks. That is the new goal.

I am hoping that this simple goal will keep me on task and help me get back to routine. I feel like if I can just get my body doing what it is supposed to be doing for a few weeks that living healthy will go back to feeling more natural.

My other goal is to figure out my new triathlon training schedule this weekend. I am thinking about moving to a six day a week schedule and including my girls in a Saturday run and /or bike ride. That of course is dependent on how they like riding in the new Burly stroller we just picked up...oh and on me finally buying a bike.

04/16: 217.6 lbs
9.6 lbs. to go


Laura N said...

Holy cow, I could have written this post, Tony. I have been feeling the same way. I am up over 4 pounds from my maintenance weight, and that may not sound like much but it's a lot when you "only" weigh 150ish pounds. The scale keeps creeping up, it's insidious and I don't like it. Great days disolve into carb fests and all my hard work vanishes the next morning with a gain. Ugh.

The only choice is to start with the next meal--not next Monday or next month. It has to change now, right?

Best of luck to you! And you freaked me out a little with the sympathy pregnancy because I didn't think Laura was PG, so I had to chuckle at your "which is odd..." =)

ElleTeeJay said...

Freaked me out, too, because I didn't think I was pregnant either. What a relief to find out I'm not! Whew!

First of all, I think all three of us are in the same boat. I have had one heck of a time getting back into the groove after vacation.

I am preparing myself for a gain this week, too. The weekend was not good for either of us.

I am firmly of the belief that there is approximately a ten-day lag between healthy living and weight loss. At least that's what happens with me.

I didn't have a very good week last week, but lost anyway. This week I am doing everything in my power to rein it in, but will probably have a gain. But, I know that if I stick with it, I should have a good loss in a week and a half. It's like it takes my body a little time to catch up.

This week is not a lost's only Wednesday! Admit that you may not have a loss on Friday, but don't write off the rest of the week!

You can do it, honey! Just think about how much you've gained by losing, then put your nose to the grindstone and go! I love you...