Thursday, July 16, 2009

And Now For My Next Trick.....

So did you like my disepering act?

Sorry I haven't been around. I can't believe it's been a whole month.

Is anybody still stopping by or have you giving up on me yet?

I'm doing well and I have not abandoned this project yet. I just needed a little time off while I focused my creative energies elsewhere. I am taking some small steps back into the world of theater and that is taking up a lot of my life at the moment.

I have also got a little off track with the weight loss. I've gained back about 20 pounds over the last 6-months. That means I'm still nearly 50 pounds down from where I started, but a 20 pound gain is pretty disturbing.

I think I have figured out what I need to do to turn things around. I'll talk more about it soon.

I'm going to try my hardest to keep up with regular updates. So hopefully I'll see you soon.



Andrew is getting fit said...

Sad to say I've mirrored you somewhat with the weight gain. Still massively down but yeah.

Anonymous said...

Tony -

Good to hear from you again! We missed you while we were home. Did you drink the wine yet?


Ron said...

Blogging seems to keep me on track, hope to hear more from you!

Jeff said...

Just stumbled onto your blog now sir, but would never give up on you regardless!

So? That post was a month ago. Hope you're still moving forward on the weight loss track.

Couple ideas for you:

1/ Try not to see the losses and subsequent gains as 'disturbing' but rather as simply information.

2/ If you treat weight loss as a separate 'subject' from the other important subjects or areas of your life - theatre, work, family responsilities, etc. - or as a 'project' (I interpret that as something with a beginning and an end), you'll set yourself up for dissapointment at regular intervals. The goal is to integrate your weight loss/healthy mindset into all the other areas - day to day, moment to moment.

I went from 265 to 165 ten years ago and never gained it back. Trying to help others do the same.