Friday, December 19, 2008

The Weigh-In Week 76

224.2. That is what it said on the scale this morning. "Technically" a gain of 1.8 pounds.

I say "technically" because I feel that I am with in my rights to actually claim a .2 pound loss.

Hear me out.

By my calculations I ate approx. 2 to 2.5 pounds of rice last night. We went out to a Thai restaurant with a group of friends. I ordered Curry. I love Curry. There was lots of sauce. It required lots of rice.

When it comes to Curry I am a charter member of the clean plate club.

So let's say 2.5 pounds of rice. I probably digested a half pound of that. Which leaves 2 pounds of rice sitting in my tummy.

1.8 - 2 = -.2.

Ta-dah! A .2 pound loss for the week.

What?!!!? You're not buying it?

Come on its Christmas! Where's your generous holiday spirit.

Merry Christmas Everybody!
I hope you all have a happy and joyous holiday.
See you in a week!

12/19 224.2 lbs
Lots to go


Nato said...

Hmm that picture looks more like a doctor just before an 'exam' than Santa...

never really seen a picture of Santa that accents him wearing work gloves..

Run, Rudolph! Run!

BTW, you also had 2.75 lbs. of beer. I presume you aren't a camel, but perhaps you were still borrowing some of that this morning..

Great to hang out with you both last night, had fun, hope you did too.


Ron said...

I had to post a gain last week also, Hoping I can post a loss on Tuesday but you never know!