Monday, June 30, 2008

Celebration Time

"What are we celebrating", you might ask?

"Good question", I might reply.

Then again you might not ask, so how 'bout I just tell you.

Two big milestones, that is what we are celebrating.

Milestone Number 1:

My tri buddy Teresa, (Remember Teresa? She's the reason we are doing this crazy Triathlon in the first place) called on Saturday night to see if I wanted to squeeze in a workout on Sunday morning and my lovely wife was kind enough to give up our quiet Sunday at home. So first thing Sunday I hopped on my bike and headed over to Teresa's. Including my 4.5 mile bike ride to Teresa's, I did a 15 mile bike ride and then we hopped of the bikes and went for a 2.7 Mile run.

That's right. I finally got my Triathlon length back-to-back out of the way... plus a few miles.

So now we know I can finish the race. Thanks Teresa and Judy for the great workout.

Milestone Number 2:
This afternoon I stretched my run to 4.07 Miles in 37:30! That is my farthest run so far.

I'm feeling pretty good...pretty sore...but pretty good too!

Hope you all had as amazing a weekend as we did.

06/30 216.8 lbs
8.8 lbs. to go

1 comment:

Andrew is getting fit said...

Great effort! Definitely worthy milestones.